Principles Of Designs

Design principles
Proportion is a relationship of one part to another or to whole with the size quantity or degree and ratio.

Unity is a work of art that interrelates balanced and organized to achieve quality of oneness. In the example above the artist has closely grouped together similar objects (birds) and used proximity to create a sense of unity.  Unity is also achieved through the use of colour, having all the flamingos share a similar colour.

This design principle is created when the artist uses one or more of the elements of design repeatedly in order to create a sense of organized movement.  Variety is key to keep rhythm in art exciting and active.  Rhythm also benefits the art work by moving the eye of the audience around your artwork. As in the picture it shows the repeated wave line by the shore.


Emphasis is an accent, stress or importance placed on a part of a piece of artwork or photos. As in the picture above i took the picture of a  grass but only emphasis the flower because only the flower stand out and the rest is blur.

Symmetrical balance is achieved when both sides of an artwork carry the same visual weight.  Symmetrical balance gives the impression of stability in a visual sense. As in like the picture of Taj Mahal it is built symmetrically.

Asymmetrical balance is achieved when the visual weight of the objects in the art work are not the same. As in the picture above the “pawns” on the right is not same with the “King” on the left. But somehow the picture seems balance because the differentiation of the size.

Radial balance parts radiates from the center in all direction. As in the picture shows radial Balance because the identical units, or the bars, are arranged around a common point.