What I've been working on

So this post would be about my subject drawing 1 assignment 2.
basically i've been working on acrylics for this assignment. Frankly i've never use neither learn how to paint using acrylic.i struggled a little to finish it up. So yea i shall post the progress of my assignment 2. By the way its a movie poster titled CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.

i drew the outline of the poster using pencil.

 Painted the characters clothing roughly to get the colors on.

Tested coloring the fonts due to the overlay of acrylic on the font area.

Done with the character and i started the background.

Done painting the whole movie poster but not yet touch up.

i touch up the background using acrylic on sponge ad started rubbing gently to create the smoky effect. 

Coloured the Font and this is how it looks when done.

a close up of the character.

finally after mounted on mounting board and ready to send in .