

Color relationship:

-         Warm – Consist a range of color from red till yellow which also
              included brown and tan. Mostly use to create a warm,
              cheerful and active in a painting, and can be used to
              stimulate or aroused the viewer.

-         Cool – Completed by a range of color from green to violet and
            gray included. Use to create the feeling of calm and relax
            and are tends to be more recede compare to warm color.

Analogous color:
-         Color that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. Some examples are green, yellow green. Often can be found in nature and are pleasing to look at. This combination gives bright effect within the area and is able to coup with several moods. Always make sure there is one hue as the main color when applying analogous color.

 Mark Nestmite

This painting is done by an analogous scheme based on the color blue. The story behind this painting is inspired during a hiking with the painter’s own family at Lake Mineral Wells. The color blue was use because the painter wishes to capture the cool breeze and cold feeling after a long day. This also show the mood of the painter when he was doing his painting.

Complementary color:
-         Colors that are opposite to each other on the color wheel, such as blue and orange. It is use to create a more energetic feeling. The high contrast creates a vibrant view especially during full saturation.
The lake at sunset, Connie Mulloy

This painting is complete with 3 color which is the thalo blue, cadmium yellow and cadmium orange. This painting has not much of a meaning behind it but the usages of complementary color are quite obvious and are easy to see. The painter also use some white color just to make the yellow and orange more clear and fresh from each other.

Split-complementary color:
-         Have a main color and two color each side of the opposite color on the color wheel. These color are one hue and two space from its opposite. Mostly uses in presentation using a computer in order tom maintain high contrast and avoid fatigue.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Sailboat, Donald A. Jusko
What a beautiful bay to moor your boat.

This painting was done in a high perspective with the color purple and green to make the distant look and the foreground was color by magenta and green. The cloud edge of the sky was being smeared by the painter to determine the location of the sun, which is in the left.

Color intensity:
-   Known as the strength or the purity of a color in same color type. Also include as a low, middle and high key value of a color.

Rainbow bright, Kate

A painting that is completed using color straight out of the color tube without adding any mixture. The colors are mostly in high intensity or high key value and thus create an abstract type of painting.