effective and ineffective advertisement

Part 6
Effective image/text integration
This is an effective image used by coca-cola. That bottle has become an icon for coca-cola. The text also stimulates the viewers mind and also stating directly that coca-cola is the number 1 brand for soft drinks.

This is a picture of “OLD SPICE” body bath advertisement. This is also one of the effective advertising pictures. The reason is because in the picture it is stated clearly that by using this body bath buyers will feel the freshness, chillness, cleanliness and also a good fragrance body bath.
This is another example of effective advertising picture. This is because they indicate/show that its pure apple juice with sparkling water. This will attract more customers since the text and the graphic visual is well advertised.

Ineffective image/text integration
This is a bad example of advertising. The reason why it is bad is because there’s no information is disseminated about the product to the consumer but only uses a famous artist to be the product ambassador.

I found this picture on an online selling website. This picture doesn’t have texts promoting neither a good graphic to let the buyers interpret. That is why this is an ineffective advertising image.

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