differences between monochromatic, colors after effect and images that uses color to create 3D

(1)    Monochromatic image

Monochromatic occurs when one color is tone using black and white.
As in the picture above, the tiger is painted using blue and differentiate the tones by adding black and white. This creates hue.

(2)    an image that produces color after-effects
The picture above shows an image of after-effects. Pictures look good after-effects. As in the picture above, there’s before and after. The after effect picture looks much more outstanding because the adjustment of colour has become brighter as before was dull.

(3)    an image that uses color to create three-dimensionality

Colours can create a three dimension picture. All we got to do is just play with the colour around the contour and also create shadings on an image or painting. Besides that, we must also use value and tonal method in order to achieve a three dimension picture.

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